Before you write this post please make sure you've read the article "Clint Eastwood's The Outlaw Josey Wales" by Robert C. Sickles, which is posted up in our Aspen page.
In his article, Sickles argues that The Searchers' Ethan and Josey can be compared as two very different versions of the western hero, and through examination tries to prove that the two characters and films therefore reflect the cultural values of the time periods they were made in.
Having watched both films do you agree with Sickles' points, and do you find his evidence compelling? Why or why not? Please be specific (and remember if you quote anything to be sure to cite accordingly). What other conventions, characters or iconography of the western can you compare/contrast between the two films, and how would these affect his argument? What about considering the comedic elements in both films and how they are handled?
Please be sure to write your post as best you can so that someone who has not seen the films or read the article could still follow your post.
Minimum word count is 400 and the post is due by end of block on Friday, February 15th. You need to read and respond using the ladder of feedback (Clarify, Value, Concerns, Suggestions) to at least two other blog posts by end of block on Tues, Feb 19th. Please also make sure to only respond to blog posts that have two or fewer responses already (so don't be the third to add a comment).
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