Monday, September 29, 2014

Film Aesthetics - Mise-en-scene in Dogville

Write a post exploring one specific aspect of mise-en-scene in the film, specifically looking at how that aspect functions in relation to the whole film. You could consider how it relates to and reflects the theme, story, and/or characters. Your choices are setting/props, costumes/make-up, lighting, and staging/acting.

It will be helpful to you to come up with a a very specific thesis, for example: "The way that the sets are designed and shot helps to reflect the idea that Grace is trapped in this town, and makes the viewer feel trapped as well." You then want to give several specific examples of this (fully explained) from the film. DO NOT try to give every single detail about your chosen aspect - I'd rather you be more in depth with your explanation of one idea than try to broadly explain everything.

Feel free to use still images to help illustrate your points. Length does not need to be long - it can be a few hundred words. I'm more concerned with quality rather than quantity.

Posts due Monday, Oct 6th. No comments are required for this particular post.

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